Applying these exemptions is also a two step process. The ability of the government of Canada to manage the economy, depends on a range of activities, including fiscal and economic policies, taxation, economic and business development initiatives. 17. It is our view that in order to be covered by this exemption, the government institution must have a defined market or business which would be adversely affected by the disclosure. .". The Ontario Occupational Health & Safety (OH&S) Act and Regulations, "The Green Book", has been designed to assist the user in making the information accessible and easy to find. Under the Act, the test is one of reasonably expected financial or competitive harm, regardless of whether the information disclosed is confidential per se (i.e., inherently). Wherever you notice a side bar beside the text in the Occupational Health and Safety Code – that is new text or text that has been amended since the last printing of the OHS Code. Moreover, the Court found that even assuming that some of the withheld information has appeared in the press, the nondisclosure was not proper because a disclosure from an official source of information previously released by an unofficial source would confirm the unofficial information and therefore cause harm to third parties. 6. Canada Packers Inc. v. Minister of Agriculture, [1989] 1 F.C. The Court also applied paragraphs 20(1)(c) and (d) to the records based on the fact that the company for whom the report was done was involved in significant litigation and settlement negotiations which could be directly impacted by disclosure of the report. "6 In so doing, the Court of Appeal noted that the adoption of the broader Restatement definition "would render superfluous" the remaining category of exemption 4 information because there would be no information falling within the latter category that would be outside the reach of the trade secret category. I am of the view that a trade secret must be something, probably of a technical nature, which is guarded very closely and is of such peculiar value to the owner of the trade secret that harm to him would be presumed by its mere disclosure.". Federal laws of canada. We must be given an explanation of how and why the harm alleged would result from disclosure of specific information. ", "2. of or relating to a particular subject or craft etc. 1983), the Court of Appeal for the District of Columbia Circuit has adopted a narrow 'Common Law' definition of the term trade secret that differs from the broad definition used in the restatement of torts ( i.e., that trade secret is a broad term extending to virtually any information that provides a competitive advantage). (3d) 297 (F.C.T.D.). To put it another way, there must be some logical explanation to show why disclosure could lead to a particular identifiable harm. 427 (T.D.). 194 (T.D.). ", Scientific: "1a. See also Ottawa Football Club v. Minister of Fitness and Amateur Sports, [1989] 2 F.C. The term 'Financial interests' refers to the financial position of the government of Canada. Such information is also covered by 18(b). Aug. 27, 1992). 333), Public Law 85-742, Act of August 23, 1958 (33 U.S.C. Therefore, the only requirement is to show a reasonable probability that the disclosure of the requested information would cause some identifiable harm to the competitive position of a government institution. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), Region IX. Canada Packers Inc. v. Minister of Agriculture, [1989] 1 F.C. Hutton v. Canada (Minister of Natural Resources), (1997), 137 F.T.R. Section 23 of An Act Respecting Access to Documents held by Public Bodies and the Protection of Personal Information also refers to the notion of industrial secrets... . For example, economic forecasts are not in the paragraph (d) list but may, in certain circumstances, be exempt under section 18), where it can be shown that their disclosure would, or could reasonably be expected to have the substantial adverse effect referred to in that section. In each province or territory, there is an act (typically called the Occupational Health and Safety Act or something similar) which applies to most workplaces in that region. where the Court found that the evidence did not sustain the appellant's fear of unfair press coverage or its impact, rejecting evidence of previous press reports which related to products rather that on the condition of the plants which was the subject of the report at issue. • Updates Part 18 of the Occupational Health and Safety Code adds section 246.1. (ii) is not generally known in that trade or business, (iii) has economic value from not being generally known, and. However, if it is self-evident that as a result of disclosure of the record: What you want is a clear, logical believable explanation of the harm that could be expected if the information is disclosed and the connection between the disclosure and the harm - i.e., the logical link. (3) Except as is prescribed and subject to the conditions and limitations prescribed, this Act or a Part thereof does not apply to, (a) a person who is employed as a teacher as defined in the . Harm to the financial interests of the government could involve monetary loss, or loss of assets with a monetary value. Where the harm foreseen by release of the records sought is one about which there can only be mere speculation or mere possibility of harm, the standard is not met. Ottawa Football Club, supra where the judge considered that the record was three years old when assessing the likelihood of harm resulting from disclosure. 4. In respect of neither (a) nor (b) is there a need for any harm to be demonstrated from disclosure for it to be protected. Section 18 of the OHS Act gives the requirements for determining the number of workers. 'Trade secrets' is not a term of art in Canadian law nor is it defined in the Access to Information Act.1 As noted above, anything that would fall within the ambit of 20(1)(a) would also be covered by 20(1)(b). 62, 23 C.P.R. If a person, whether a worker or other person, has been critically injured or killed at the workplace, the employer and constructor, if any, must immediately notify, by telephone or other direct means: 1. a Ministry of Labour (MOL) inspector (report the incident to the Ministry of Labour’s Health and Safety Contact Centre at 1-877-202-0008. For example, the premature disclosure of a document which would suggest some change in the rate of bank interest would, if disclosure under the Act to a person in a position to take advantage of the information, give that person an undue advantage over others who did not obtain access to the information, under the Access to Information Act. (1987), 14 F.T.R. Act or a Part thereof does not apply to farming operations. 951 et seq.) 667 (D.D.C. 142 the Federal Court briefly rejected the claim for exemption by stating that a general allegation that such secrets existed were not enough to establish the exemption. 118 (T.D.). (See Ontario Orders #154, M-117.). Occupational Safety & Health Administration. The owner must treat the information as confidential and it must always be clear that the owner regards the information as a secret. Simmons v. Dep't of Justice, 796 F.2d 709, 712 (4th Cir. A marginal or nominal value would not be sufficient. The fact that information belongs to one of the categories listed is not sufficient in itself to establish that it meets the harm test set out in paragraph (d). Sirota v. CIA, 3 G.D.S. the expertise of the employees of a government institution; the quality of products / services used, etc.). 59571 (Ohio App. where the Court found that since most of the information contained in the requested documents already made press coverage, no additional harm could be expected from the release of the requested information. It cannot refer to future investigations generally. Once the head determines that the record or part thereof falls within the class described in the exemption, he/she must also exercise his/her discretion whether to disclose the information. 206 (TD). The time frame for filing a complaint to the OIC is within 60 days after you have received response to your access request from a federal institution, or within 60 days after you became aware that grounds for the complaint exist. (June 3, 1993), T-2059-91, dictionary definitions can be considered in determining the meaning of a provision when the suggested meaning in the dictionary is consistent with the purpose of the Act. (See Canadian Council of Christian Charities v. Canada (Minister of Finance), May 19, 1999, unreported F.C.T.D. 7. Woodbury, Government Information: Access and Privacy, Carswell, 1991. The more general the evidence or the less plausible (believable) the result, the more difficult it would be to be satisfied as to the linkage between disclosure of particulars documents and the harm alleged - i.e., the more difficult it will be to conclude that the test has been met. Fensterwald v. CIA, 443 F. Supp. While there have been only a few Federal Court decision on the interpretation of this provision, there has been jurisprudence dealing with the prejudice portion of the test required under paragraphs 20(1)(c) & (d) which contains the same wording. Similarly, the decision in Merck Frosst Canada Inc v. Minister of Health & Welfare, (1988), 22 C.P.R. 32 of 1961); (b) any regional services council established under section 3 of the Regional Services Councils Act, 1985 (Act No. The main purpose of the Act is to protect workers from health and safety hazards on the job. . 20 OSHA protects workers wrongly disciplined for raising safety concerns. Anyone who believes that their access request was improperly handled by the OIC may make a complaint to the Information Commissioner ad hoc. In other words, it is not necessary to prove that disclosure could result directly in producing the specific harm. Black's Law Dictionary, 6d. The jurisprudence has establish certain specific conditions that could be taken into consideration when determining whether a reasonable expectation of harm would result from disclosure: It is the probable consequences of disclosure which are most significant in determining whether a document or a portion thereof may be exempted under this section, not the nature of the document or the nature of the information contained in the document. Has substantial value or is reasonably likely to have substantial value. Secondly, he/she must exercise his/her discretion whether to exempt or disclose the information. On November 6, 2014, the government passed Bill 18, the Stronger Workplaces for a Stronger Economy Act, 2014.The Bill amends a number of Ontario’s labour and employment statutes. 194 at 216. Copyright © 2020, 2017 Section 1 Chapter O-2.1 4 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY ACT Part 11 Information Collection and Exchange 77 Agreements re research and educational programs 78 Consultants 79 Exchange of information 80 Publication of information about employers 81 Board of inquiry 82 Funded organizations 83 Designated organizations 84 Furthering occupational health and safety 2 (1) This Act binds the Crown and applies to an employee in the service of the Crown or an agency, board, commission or corporation that exercises … Fisher v. United States DOJ, 772 F. Supp. See Mathol Botanique International Inc. v. Canada (Department of National Health and Welfare) (June 3, 1994), T-2916-90 (F.C.T.D. Although there is a possibility that the disclosure of information in these categories would harm the financial or economic interests of Canada, the head of the government institution must have reasonable grounds to expect harm in order to apply the exemption. Without restricting the scope of the exemption, the 'value' referred in this provision could be of commercial, market or monetary value, etc. The Access to Information Act, R.S.C. (a) any institution or body contemplated in section 84(1)(f) of the Provincial Government Act, 1961 (Act No. (3d) 177; 20 F.T.R. 83,261 (S.D.N.Y. They are non-exhaustive description of the kinds of documents the disclosure of which might be found to be injurious to the specific interests listed. See Founding Church of Scientology, Inc. v. NSA, 197 App. (2) A constructor or employer who submits a report under subsection 51 (1) of the Act (notice of death or injury) or gives a notice under section 52 or 53 of the Act (notice of accident, etc.) TTY . ), Public Law 91-54, Act of August 9, 1969 (40 U.S.C. Description of possible harm, even in substantial detail, is often insufficient in itself. 800-321-6742 (OSHA). 15. If the owner discloses the information under contract, it must be on appropriate terms and conditions as to secrecy protection and confidentiality. It can be information that could be acquired from materials available to the public with the expenditure of time and effort. Section 18 of the OSH Act authorizes states to establish their own occupational safety and health plans and preempt standards established and enforced by OSHA. (Oxford University Press, 1991): Science: "1. a branch of knowledge conducted on objective principles involving the systematized observation of and experiment with phenomena, esp. 1981). The requestor requested from the Etobicoke Board of Education any ", The Hamilton Board of Education received an access request to a proposal that was developed in conjunction with Apple Canada for an advanced technology secondary School. Here again, it is the consequences of disclosure which are most significant in determining whether a document is exempt under paragraph (d), and not the nature of the document or the information contained in the document. The paragraph 18(1)(d) exemption is judicially received under section 50 of the Act which provides that: In X v. Canada (Minister of National Defence), [1992] 1 F.C. The injury does not have to be translatable into monetary value. Education Act; or No. . This exemption may not be applied when the information is in the public domain through a bona fide publication by the media.7 As such, it is presumed that the information would lose its financial value when it becomes accessible to the public. This test has now been interpreted by the Federal Court. II. D.C. 305, 610 F.2d 824, 831-32 (D.C. Cir. Forestry Operations and Similar Activities; 28. The list does not cover every type of information which could reasonably be expected to cause such harm. It may include information that is patentable or that the government may want to licence. Where inferences must be drawn, or the answers to any of these questions are not clear, then more explanation would be required. 1979). Department Order 198-18 Implementing Rules and Regulations of Republic Act No. However the opposite isn't necessarily true. a contemplated sale or acquisition of land or property. Anderson v. HHS, 907 F. 2d 936, 944 (10th Cir. Furthermore, public disclosure of some information does not necessitate the disclosure of additional information that is otherwise properly exempt from disclosure. ); confirmed by F.C.A. The Court must be given an explanation as to how or why the harm alleged would result from the disclosure of specific information. The exemption may apply to information of a purely factual character, as well as to information dealing with plans or policies. 7 (D.C. Col. August 15, 1991): In this case, the plaintiff's primary complaint was that much of the requested information allegedly had been released to the news media, and he contends that therefore he is entitled to this information. If you submitted a request for information to a federal institution under the Act and you are not satisfied with how it was processed, you may complain to the OIC. (e.g. 62, 23 C.P.R. 77, 46 F.T.R. 1990). Founding Church of Scientology, Inc. v. NSA, 197 App. For the purpose of this section, it is sufficient that the information relate or pertain to matters of finance, commerce, science or technical matters, as those terms are commonly understood (see Air Atonabee Ltd. v. Minister of Transport (1989), 27 F.T.R. 9. The plaintiff also contended that during the sixteen-week trial in which he was a co-defendant, information withheld by the defendants was disclosed. 1978). 1986) ("release from an official source naturally confirms the accuracy of the previously leaked information"). 'Direct causation' requires a direct causal link - the person resisting disclosure must bring specific evidence which would show that there is a link arising from the disclosure which would result in the harm. Orders #M-29, M-37, M-65, P-222, P-418, P-420, M-94, P-500, P-561. Blasting Operations; 22. However, one must clearly distinguish between 'direct causation' and 'direct causality'; the former being the test to be applied under injury exemptions, the latter being explicitly rejected by the Court of Appeal in Canada Packers Inc. v. Minister of Agriculture et al., [1989] 1 F.C. Matol Botanique International Inc. v. Canada (Department of National Health and Welfare) (June 3, 1994), T-2916-90 (F.C.T.D. The Royal Canadian Mint, the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation are examples of institutions that could be affected by disclosure of some information. This part of the exemption refers to broader interests of the government in managing the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Sirota v. CIA, 3 G.D.S. ), the Commission stated that the fact that a document had inadvertently been misplaced in a public registry does not restrain the application of section 23 - i.e., the mistake does not affect the qualitative nature of the document. Alberta and a Federal-Provincial Working Party, trade secrets of harm must be a linkage! They constituted trade secrets explained in Canada Post Corporation v. Minister of Transport ( )... That during the sixteen-week trial in which he was a co-defendant, information withheld by OIC. With workplace hazards and provides for enforcement of the Act further explanations, see the ATIP Online request Service (... 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