Rammer: 2877 75% Crew: 1564.2 Czytaj dalej by się dowiedzieć, do czego jest zdolny StuG! Optics or Binocs are recommended, Horrible reverse speed makes it harder to get out of a bad situation, Low ammo capacity coupled with the high fire rate with top gun - only 36 rounds, Poor side and rear armour - flat and thin, along with very weak lower frontal glacis. Today I'm looking at the first reward from the personal missions, the T5 German tank destroyer the StuG IV.SUBSCRIBE! Rammer: 1960.2 The client values, given for 100% crew, will normally be taken into battle with 110% crew skill members aside from specific functions, causing their actual performance to deviate from the expected client value. Poziom. Maximum possible: 443.8 m, With 50% Crew: 243.6 m Ive now played just under 2400 games in the StuG III Ausf. B 130 000 3 800 ПТ-САУ IV G 422 000 12 640 ПТ-САУ V Advantageous Damage Per Minute 50% Crew: 1366.2 However, with this cannon combine… Overall, Sturmgeschütz-series assault guns proved very successful and served on all fronts as assault guns and tank-destroyers. 100% Crew: 1874.4 While the StuH 42 bears much resemblance to the StuG III F and StuG III G, its play style is much, much different. A total of 9,265 vehicles of this … Advantageous Damage Per Minute Being based on the Panzer III's chassis, the StuG III can dart around the battlefield. G, play free mobile online mmo game for ios and android 31 TAs were on the army inventory in November 1947. By 1944, 9,346 of these self-propelled guns destroyed about 20,000 enemy vehicles. Using Shell Type 2 (110 Damage): Standard Gun Both and Max Crew %: 2273.4 Both: 3.29 s 251 half-track.It was built on a slightly modified Panzer III chassis, replacing the turret with an armored, fixed superstructure mounting a more powerful gun. By 1944, 9,346 of these self-propelled guns destroyed about 20,000 enemy vehicles. Rozgrywka It was introduced in Update 1.49 "Weapons of Victory". Both and BiA: 3.22 s None of this initial batch survived the end of the war. With BiA and Vents: 0.358 m With 100% Crew: 0.374 m Reasonable front armour that can bounce shots if they hit the sloped portions. Both: 2938.25 G) and used them against the Soviet Union. StuG III G. Typ. The StuG III (Sturmgeschütz III) assault gun was one of Germany’s most produced vehicles during World War II. Blitz StuG III Ausf. Germany. このIII号突撃砲 (StuG III) は、当初は歩兵支援用として開発されたものの、F 型以降は対戦車用の砲を搭載していました。生産台数は、III号突撃砲が 9,265 両、Stu.H. Both and BiA: 3435.25 G may have two guns to choose from. 75% Crew: 2331 With BiA and Vents: 1.559 s Both and BiA: 2159.3 100% Crew With BiA: 1.594 s By the end of the war, 10,619 StuG IIIs and StuH 42s had been built. Vents: 1914 Both and BiA: 2999.5 With BiA: 0.309 m Even so, experienced players will enjoy running the "StuG life" in this powerful sniper. 50% Crew: 2173.5 Theoretical Damage Per Minute It was produced, in several modifications, on the basis of the Pz. Maximum possible: 0.29 m, With 50% Crew: 2.106 s As the German military situation deteriorated later in the war, more and more StuG guns were constructed in comparison to tanks: an effort to replace losses and bolster defences against the encroaching Allied forces. The 10,5cm can be excellent for taking out lower tiered enemies in one shot, but it is not useful against higher tiered tanks. The vehicles of the Sturmgeschütz series were cheaper and faster to build than contemporary German tanks; at 82,500 RM, a StuG III Ausf G was cheaper than a Panzer III Ausf. Both and BiA: 3260.25 50% Crew: 2348.5 The Sturmgeschütz III Ausf. StuG III Ausf. It's recommended that you research the suspension and engines first. Carro 45 t, Carro P.88, Progetto 54, Progetto 66 and Rinoceronte! The gun mount's fixed, fully-integrated casemate superstructure was to allow a limited traverse of a minimum of 25° and provided overhead protection for the crew. Both and BiA: 2178.9 They were officially known as TAs (or TAs T3 to avoid confusion with TAs T4) in the army inventory. Your local time is indicated: (UTC ) Ratings are adjusted once per day ": … Using Shell Type 3 (175 Damage): Even so, your low armor and HP will be your bane, so in general, keep to sniping. Változott azóta valami? The 7,5 cm doesn't have enough penetration to deal with higher tiered opponents, so install the 10,5 cm howitzer and use HE ammunition. It is exceptionally maneuverable, being based on the Pz.Kpfw. 75% Crew: 2663.5 Rammer: 3.37 s Having canceled the production of the Pz. StuG IIIs were also exported to other nations such as Bulgaria, Hungary, Italy, and Spain. With Binocular Telescope: 387.5 m Outside of a crew of 1 commander only, 100% crew is a fiction. With both and GLD: 1.418 s The true strength of the StuG lies in its insane camo and sniping abilities. Theoretical Damage Per Minute V. Uzbrojenie. Both: 2763.25 W grze szczyci się podobną reputacją dzięki jego parametrom – dobrej mobilności, mocnemu uzbrojeniu i wyjątkowo wysokiej wartości maskowania. In February 1943, at the suggestion of the Ministry of Armament, the Krupp company began trials of a new vehicle with the superstructure of the updated StuG III and the new suspension of the Pz.Kpfw. It was agreed, after a discussion, it would best be employed as part of the artillery arm. With wholly penetrating hits All rights reserved. G. Statistics for the StuG III G, Tier V, TD, Germany, calculated at 2/8/2021 . It is built on the chassis of the proven Panzer III tank, replacing the turret with a fixed superstructure mounting a more powerful gun. Both and BiA: 2824.5 G Complete! By February 1945, 13 units were still in use with the 2nd Armored Regiment. It was produced, in several modifications, on the basis of the Pz. With Coated Optics: 341 m Originally designed as an assault vehicle, this self-propelled gun was converted into a tank destroyer beginning with the F series. To log in, select the region where your account is registered, Or use Microsoft Login to enter WoT XBOX ecosystem. G (or StuG III G) is a rank II German tank destroyer with a battle rating of 4.3 (AB) and 4.0 (RB/SB). With 100% Crew: 1.63 s First-shot DPM: 1934.55 Because of their low silhouette, StuG IIIs were easy to camouflage and a difficult target. Source: XVM, Made by env1ro. Одно из них скорострельное и точное, а другое долго перезаряжается, но обладает высоким альфа-уроном. Using Shell Type 1 (110 Damage): Theoretical Damage Per Minute Maximum possible: 597.2 m. The StuG III Ausf. This page has been accessed 61,891 times. This vehicle first saw combat in France in 1940. These prototypes featured a mild-steel superstructure and Krupp’s short-barreled 75 mm StuK 37 L/24 cannon. G Available in Français, Deutsche, Italiano, Polskie, Español. Data is computed every week, using the battles of the clan's members that this site tracks. Use your gun to take out the tanks your allies are having trouble with; your gun's high penetration can shear through nearly any tank if aimed correctly. Both and Max Crew %: 3122, With 50% Crew: 0.483 m A total of 9,265 vehicles of this … 50% Crew: 5.57 s the Nashorn, and the Jagdpanzer IV. Niszczyciel Czołgów. Rammer: 3.88 s Sturmgeschütz units held a very impressive record of tank kills: some 20,000 enemy tanks by the spring of 1944. While the StuG III was considered self-propelled artillery, it was not initially clear which arm of the Wehrmacht would handle the new weapon. The Panzer arm, who was the natural user of tracked fighting vehicles, had no resources to spare for the formation of StuG units, and neither did the infantry branch. G — противотанковая самоходная установка Германии 5 уровня. All German equipment was scrapped in 1954 due to the Army's decision to use Soviet armor. 50% Crew: 4.83 s Use this speed to stay far from combat and relocate efficiently. Whilst it has a Mobility of 2 like most other tanks in the miniatures game it has good Initiative, allowing it to make the most of any opportunities that it is presented with. Most of them were probably StuG III Ausf. By 1944, 9,346 of these self-propelled guns destroyed about 20,000 enemy vehicles. Both and Max Crew %: 3400.25 B. With 75% Crew: 1.839 s Specifically, the mismatch in crew values caused by commander's 10% crew skill bonus. Standard Gun Both and BiA: 2049.3 100% Crew It was produced on the basis of the Pz. By 1944, 9,346 of these self-propelled guns destroyed about 20,000 enemy vehicles. This was due to the omission of the turret, which greatly simplified manufacture and allowed the chassis to carry a larger gun than it could otherwise. It can be both a close combat unit with the inaccurate, hard hitting 10,5cm, or can be an excellent sniper with the 7,5cm L/70. 100% Crew: 2982 Using Shell Type 1 (135 Damage): Theoretical Damage Per Minute G) is a rank II German tank destroyer with a battle rating of 3.0 (AB/RB/SB). Nominal DPM: 2691.5 Prototype manufacture was passed over to Alkett, which produced five examples in 1937 of the experimental 0-series StuG based upon the Pz.Kpfw. G, play free mobile online mmo game for ios and android Advantageous Damage Per Minute StuG III G StuG III Ausf. Player rating on StuG III Ausf. New italian tanks arrived! With 75% Crew: 0.422 m Some vehicles were in operation until 1967 and were even deployed in the Six-Day War by some countries of the Arab world against Israel. This vehicle first saw combat in France in 1940. G. 100% Crew: 4.31 s III tank until 1945. It was produced, in several modifications, on the basis of the Pz. These StuGs gained the nickname "Sturmi" which can be found in some plastic kit models. When affected by 100% Relaying: 456.5 m G (or just StuH 42 Ausf. 100 StuG III Ausf. The StuG III is an absolute nightmare to opponents if used correctly. It was produced, in several modifications, on the basis of the Pz. This page was last modified on 13 December 2019, at 06:24. Compared with previous models, the Ausf. Maximum possible: 1.359 s, With 50% Crew: 243.6 m It is exeptionally manuverable, being based on the PzKpfw III chassis, and can reach its top… G, a 7.92 mm MG34 could be mounted on a shield on top of the superstructure for added anti-infantry protection from December 1942. Originally designed as an assault vehicle, this self-propelled gun was converted into a tank destroyer beginning with the F series. Care must be taken when firing with this vehicle, as it has a very low ammunition capacity of 36 rounds. After the Germans encountered the Soviet KV-1 and T-34 tanks, the StuG III was equipped with a high-velocity 75 mm StuK 40 L/43 main gun (Spring 1942) and later, the 75 mm StuK 40 L/48 (Autumn 1942) anti-tank gun. Got it. In fact, the StuG can easily die even to tier 3 opponents if they find a way to attack its sides. With 100% Crew: 415 m Both and Max Crew %: 3.09 s, Standard Gun G - read more about StuG III Ausf. Both and Max Crew %: 2408.4. Later, there was also a strong emphasis on destroying enemy armor whenever encountered. Vents: 4.22 s StuG III Ausf. Make sure you have a well-defended position with an escape route, otherwise your enemies will be very happy to pay back what you've done to them. 100% Crew: 1876.5 When affected by 100% Relaying: 341 m 42 L/28 (damage per shot: 350): WN8 expected values ver. WAVE I World of Tanks Miniatures Game Expansion – StuG III Ausf. Infantry support using direct-fire was its intended role. Nominal: 4.5 s G were delivered to Romania in the autumn of 1943. Gs and a small number of Panzer IV/70 (V)s, known as TAs T4s. 100% Crew: 2607.5 75% Crew: 2488.5 StuG III Aufs. Sturmgeschütz crews were considered to be the elite of the artillery units. Vents: 2661.75 Im Spiel genießt er einen ähnlichen Ruf, dank guter Eigenschaften – ordentliche Beweglichkeit, großartige Bewaffnung und ausgezeichneter Tarnwerte. Standard Gun Approximately 9,500 StuG IIIs of various types were produced until March 1945 by Alkett and a small number by MIAG. Rammer: 2084.4 Beginning with the StuG III Ausf. 100% Crew: 3.74 s III tank in several modifications until 1945. Enjoying WoTgarage.net? Gs from Germany (30 Stu 40 Ausf.G and 29 StuG III Ausf. 75% Crew: 1663.2 These destroyed at least 87 enemy tanks for a loss of only 8 StuGs[2] (some of these were destroyed by their crews to avoid capture). Combined this with a Survivability of 2, the StuG III Ausf.G is best suited to lie in wait, providing covering fire to other tanks in the platoon. 10,5 cm Stu.H. Rammer: 2070.2 Some vehicles were in operation until 1967 and were even deployed in the Six-Day War by some countries of the Arab world against Israel. Nem. The Sturmgeschütz III originated from German experiences in World War I, when it was discovered that during the offensives on the western front, the infantry lacked the means to effectively engage fortifications. Both: 2004.2 50% Crew: 1452.6 G leads to With 75% Crew: 370.6 m After the war, they were used by the Yugoslav Peoples Army until the 1950s. Blitz StuG III Ausf. Nominal: 3.9 s 75% Crew: 4.22 s Using Shell Type 2 (135 Damage): Standard Gun 100% Crew However, we'll concentrate on the 7,5 cm Pak 42 L/70 as it's the best choice, considering the StuG's long-distance support gameplay.A high rate of fire paired with great accuracy and penetration power makes it easy to shred other tanks to pieces and hit the weak spots of higher-tier vehicles. With 75% Crew: 276.8 m 100% Crew The StuGs were organized into battalions (later renamed "brigades" for disinformation purposes) and followed their own specific doctrine. StuG III G Tier 5, Tank destroyer. The artillery of the time was heavy and not mobile enough to keep up with the advancing infantry to destroy bunkers, pillboxes, and other minor obstacles with direct-fire. Both and BiA: 3.71 s The initial proposal was from (then) Colonel Erich von Manstein, and submitted to General Ludwig Beck in 1935, suggesting that Sturmartillerie ("assault artillery") units should be used in a direct-fire support role for infantry divisions. Reload Times Nominal DPM: 2332.75 III medium tank as a basis for the new vehicle. III tank until 1945. Rammer: 3118.5 III tank until 1945. Vents: 1804 With wholly penetrating hits Many German Sturmgeschütz IIIs were captured by Yugoslav Partisans. G, far more than any other tank that Ive ever laid hands on. 50% Crew: 1883 Important to note is that in contrast to the StuG III's good forward acceleration and maneuverability, its reverse speed is very slow, a problem when trying to move back from enemy fire. 100% Crew: 2807 Obrazki [spoiler] [/spoiler] Dane [spoiler] [/spoiler] Czas przeładowania (załoga 100% +wentylacja +dosyłacz) Działo 7.5cm PaK 42 L/70 -3,79s 10.5cm Stu.H 42 L/28 -6,07s Koszt odkrycia 12 435 doświadczenia 42 が 1,211 両。 After the suspension and engines are mounted, you should head towards the L/70 for higher penetration and accuracy. When the StuG IV entered production in late 1943 and early 1944, the "III" was added to the name to separate it from the Panzer IV-based assault guns. Having canceled the production of the Pz. Lest weiter und findet heraus, was der Jagdpanzer StuG III so alles kann! However, once upgraded with the 7.5 cm StuK 42 L/70, the StuG III can deal significant damage to higher-tier vehicles. G WoT показатель обзора один из худших на уровне – всего 310 метров. Even against many tier 7 tanks, the 7,5cm gun will still be able to defeat its targets frontally. Both: 3363.5 Both: 2131.65 Maximum possible: 446.1 m, With 50% Crew: 326.1 m The StuG III's engine is considerably more powerful than in reality, with 440 hp compared to the historical 300. Sniping from afar, you'll often get many opportunities at the sides and rears of tanks. Both and Max Crew %: 2247.3. Rammer: 2219.4 StuG III G Tier 5, Tank destroyer. As the StuG III was designed to fill an infantry close support combat role, early models were fitted with a low-velocity 75 mm StuK 37 L/24 gun to destroy soft-skin targets and fortifications. Nazwa. This model was known as the Sturmgeschütz Ausführung A. The StuG III Ausf. A töltésgyorsító itt is mint bármely más tankon 10%-kal emeli a DPM-et, ezért szerintem kihagyhatatlan. In terms of the resources expended in their construction, the StuG assault guns were extremely cost-effective compared to the heavier German tanks, though in the anti-tank role, it was best used defensively, as the lack of a traversable turret would be a severe disadvantage in the assault role. Although Tigers and Panthers have earned a greater notoriety, assault guns collectively destroyed more tanks. A Stug III legnagyobb hátránya a 330 méteres látótáv, ezért a periszkóp elengedhetetlen felszerelés, mely a látótávunkat 25%-kal növeli meg álló helyzetben, így képesek leszünk magunknak spotolni. First-shot DPM: 2507.75 75% Crew: 4.87 s Initially intended as a mobile, armored light gun for infantry support, the StuG was continually modified and widely employed as a tank-destroyer. Both and Max Crew %: 3.56 s. Standard Gun Reload Times The 7,5 cm PaK 39 L/48 and 10,5 cm StuH 42 L/28 guns carry over from the Hetzer, but the 10,5 cm StuH 42 L/28 is too heavy for the stock suspension. 50% Crew: 1476.2 {{#ifeq:ARMOR_PIERCING_CR|ARMOR_PIERCING||, Standard Gun By 1944, 9,346 of these self-propelled guns destroyed about 20,000 enemy vehicles. 42 L/28 前身から引き継げる10榴。 精度の悪さは相変わらずだが、発射速度は改善 … The Sturmgeschütz III Ausf.G (or StuG III G) is a rank II German tank destroyer with a battle rating of 4.3 (AB) and 4.0 (RB/SB).It was introduced in Update 1.43.. Some vehicles were in operation until 1967 and were even deployed in the Six-Day War by some countries of the Arab world against Israel. StuG III Ausf. By 1944, 9,346 of these self-propelled guns destroyed about 20,000 enemy vehicles. M, which cost 103,163 RM. Gとして登場(10.5cm突撃榴弾砲42相当を含む)。 『鋼鉄の騎士シリーズ』 プレイヤーが操縦可能な戦車の1種として登場。 『鋼鉄の虹 パンツァーメルヒェンRPG』『ネットゲーム95 鋼鉄の虹 〜Die Eisenglorie〜』 火力 StuG III Bから持ち越せる砲も含めて4種類の火砲を搭載できる。 なお、7,5 cm Pak 42 L/70を開発しなくとも次のJagdpanzer IVに進めるが、より一層厳しくなるマッチングに備えてここで開発しておきたい。. This vehicle first saw combat in France in 1940. This vehicle first saw combat in France in 1940. Nominal DPM: 1799.55 75% Crew: 1798.2 V. To learn more about the vehicle, go to Tankopedia. In terms of armament, the StuG III Ausf. Nominal DPM: 1691.8 These differences are taken into account in tooltip boxes. The StuG III Ausf.G Expansion Pack adds a new tank type for players to employ in their platoons, the tank destroyer.When shooting from cover, tank destroyers are more likely to shrug off incoming enemy fire. Vents: 2486.75 The StuH 42 is essentially a StuG III Gwith a 10,5 cm howitzer. With Recon and Situational Awareness: 325.7 m 40 L/43 (damage per shot: 110): 7,5 cm Pak 39 L/48 (damage per shot: 110): 7,5 cm Pak 42 L/70 (damage per shot: 135): 10,5 cm Stu.H. G, play free mobile online mmo game for ios and android While StuG is most effective at medium to long range combat, StuH is much m… The first vehicles were produced by December 1943. With BiA: 0.366 m Initially intended as a mobile, armored light gun for infantry support, the StuG was continually modified and widely employed as a tank-destroyer. 75% Crew: 1674.2 Both and Max Crew %: 2947 Standard Gun It has that same 10,5 cm gun, but since it is a tier higher it doesn't perform as well. 75% Crew: 2156 100% Crew 7,5 cm Stu.K. A végén kiderül. With 100% Signal Boost: 372 m With 75% Crew: 276.8 m Although the problem was well-known in the German army, it was General Erich von Manstein, who is considered the father of the Sturmartillerie, that saw the solution. Many of the later StuG III Ausf. First-shot DPM: 1801.8 Some vehicles were in operation until 1967 and were even deployed in the Six-Day War by some countries of the Arab world against Israel. By 1944, 9,346 of these self-propelled guns destroyed about 20,000 enemy vehicles. G of the StuG III tank destroyer comes with thicker armour of 80 mm in the front glacis and a 75 mm StuK 40 L/48 gun that gives the vehicle's characteristics on par with Panzer IV tank. G auf Stufe V ist einer der berühmtesten Jagdpanzer des Zweiten Weltkriegs. Daimler-Benz AG used the chassis and running gear of its recently designed Pz.Kpfw. In February 1943, at the suggestion of the Ministry of Armament, the Krupp company began trials of a new vehicle with the superstructure of the updated StuG III and the new suspension of the Pz.Kpfw. Vents: 2870 100% Crew Vents: 3045 It is easy to fall into the trap of thinking you're a medium tank with the StuG III's rapid acceleration and high maneuverability, but you will soon learn that you can not take hits like a medium tank. The Sturmgeschütz III (StuG III) assault gun was Germany's most produced armored fighting vehicle during World War II. III chassis, it can rotate 360° like a medium tank and can reach its top speed very quickly. G . Rammer: 2702 The Sturmgeschütz III (StuG III) assault gun was Germany's most produced armored fighting vehicle during World War II. WAVE I World of Tanks Miniatures Game Expansion – StuG III Ausf. Some of the F/8 models were retrofitted with a shield as well. These versions were known as the Sturmgeschütz 40 Ausführung F, Ausf. Stug III G is more of a sniper TD. III tank until 1945. The Sturmgeschütz III (StuG III) assault gun was Germany's most-produced fully tracked armoured fighting vehicle during World War II, and second-most produced German armored combat vehicle of any type after the Sd.Kfz. Donate. Research the upgraded suspension first for additional weight capacity and a whopping 7 deg/s increase to traverse speed. With 100% Crew: 310 m Research the 7,5 cm L/70 gun for superior firepower. B、StuG III Ausf. Both and Max Crew %: 2137.3 100% Crew: 2432.5 III tank until 1945. With BiA and Vents: 0.303 m Maximum possible: 0.343 m, With 50% Crew: 0.409 m -A Guide for Newcomers - posted in Newcomers Forum: In commemoration of my very favorite tank finally getting its full set of barrel rings, Ive decided to make a full guide and tutorial to share my experience with others. World of Tanks - StuG IV tank review. F/8, and Ausf. With 100% Signal Boost: 498 m With 100% Crew: 0.316 m Therefore, it is highly recommended to use the 7,5cm and to buy a camo net. Based on the versatile Panzer III hull, it had an armoured superstructure or upper hull instead of a turret. While its stock cannon is powerful against equal-tier opponents, it is rendered useless against anything past tier 6. This will allow you to outmaneuver most tanks on your tier, be it in order to flee, or to keep them in front of you during a close range dogfight. In the online game the StuG III Ausf.G has excellent maneuverability and turning ability for a tank destroyer. On June 15, 1936, Daimler-Benz AG received an order to develop an armored infantry-support vehicle capable of mounting a 75 mm (2.95 in) artillery piece. As of April 10, 1945, there were 1,053 StuG IIIs and 277 StuH 42s in service. If the tables turn on you and there's nowhere to run, don't be afraid to engage in close-quarters combat, since your high maneuverability can keep up with a flanker. Bevezetés Hosszúcsövű StuG III G 1943-ban a keleti fronton – Bundesarchive Minden, amiről tudnod kell a tankról, az megtalálható Rosszpénz elemzésében. The Sturmhaubitze 42 Ausf. Development With 100% Crew: 310 m Both: 2114.2 It was built on the chassis of the proven Panzer III tank. Pancerz. With GLD: 1.482 s This vehicle first saw combat in France in 1940. The StuG III Ausf. Tank Destroyers. С точки зрения живучести, данный аппарат может удивлять довольно часто. Modules / Available Equipment and Consumables, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sturmgesch%C3%BCtz_III, http://wiki.wargaming.net/en/index.php?title=Tank:G05_StuG_40_AusfG&oldid=290101, Excellent acceleration and maneuverability. Rammer: 3293.5 Spielweise G - read more about StuG III Ausf. Originally designed as an assault vehicle, this self-propelled gun was converted into a tank destroyer beginning with the F series. G $ 15.00 $ 12.00. IV H and J. Vents: 1918.35 ドイツ駆逐戦車StuG III Ausf. In 1944, the Finnish Army received 59 StuG III Ausf. With the Tank Gun Rammer and the Enhanced Gun Laying Drive along with 100% crew with camo and repair as secondary perks combined with hiding in a bush, this tank is virtually invisible, even when firing. Das Sturmgeschütz (StuG) III Ausf. Blitz StuG III Ausf. 50% Crew: 2058 Both: 3.79 s 100% Crew After the war, they were the main combat vehicles of the Finnish Army until the early 1960s. Advantageous Damage Per Minute This vehicle first saw combat in France in 1940. Both and Max Crew %: 3575.25. The StuG III is a German tier 5 tank destroyer. Both: 3188.5 III tank until 1945. IV H and J. G - read more about StuG III Ausf. We use cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. The first vehicles were produced by December 1943. WOT – StuG III Ausf. StuG III G High DPM Tier-for-tier High speeds to relocate when necessary Fast-aiming gun Armor is surprisingly bouncy Can turn around quickly, negates the need … Кроме того, у StuG III Ausf. The height of the vehicle was not to exceed that of the average man. 100% Crew: 1764.4 These TAs were supplied by the Red Army or were damaged units repaired by the Romanian Army. G models were equipped with an additional coaxial 7.92 mm MG34. Vents: 2053.35 Compared with previous models, the Ausf. Coupled with its high rate of fire and low damage per round, running out of ammunition is a very real possibility. Both: 2266.65 With 75% Crew: 0.357 m III tank in several modifications until 1945. Tier I Tier II Tier III Tier IV Tier V Tier VI Tier VII Tier VIII Tier IX Tier X Low view range. It was produced on the basis of the Pz. Kadłub: 80mm/30mm/50mm It was built on the chassis of the proven Panzer III tank. Until this high-performance weapon is available, you should consider using the 10.5cm howitzer. G is constructed at the Support Armor Korps for the cost of 280, 90, 10, making it one of the cheapest medium tanks in the game. © 2011–2021 Wargaming.net. 100% Crew Vents: 3.66 s Działo 7,5 cm Pak 42 L/70: penetracja 150mm; obrażenia 135. G (tier V) Post autor: Abrakadabra77 » 28 mar 2014, 09:35 . Using Shell Type 3 (175 Damage): All previous and following models were thereafter known as Sturmgeschütz III. Akkor mégis mi szükség volt erre az elemzésre? A total of 9,265 vehicles of this series and 1,211 of the StuH 42 were produced. G is a German tier 5 tank destroyer. Low HP, Average DPM, Penetration 150, Damage 160, Reload time: 5.98, Precise, Fast, Small, Good mobility, Good view range. Adding binoculars to further increase sniping ability is recommended. StuG III Ausf. Имеет в своем арсенале два шикарных орудия. III Ausf. Both and BiA: 2313.9 This vehicle was introduced in Update 1.43. 100% Crew: 2011.5 By 1944, 9,346 of these self-propelled guns destroyed about 20,000 enemy vehicles. 50% Crew: 1587.6 This is not the whole picture, be advised. First-shot DPM: 2866.5 Description. 2021-02-22. It is better to use the 7,5 cm Pak 42 L/70. First Uploaded: May 30, 2019 Last Updated: May 30, 2019 Last Downloaded: 5 hours ago G (Sturmgeschütz) na poziomie V jest jednym z najsłynniejszych niszczycieli czołgów II wojny światowej. And turning ability for a tank destroyer beginning with the F series this site tracks, keep sniping. Sniping ability is recommended on destroying enemy armor whenever encountered after the suspension engines... By 1944, 9,346 of these self-propelled guns destroyed about 20,000 enemy vehicles were in operation until and. 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Online mmo game for ios and android this vehicle first saw combat in France in 1940 capacity 36! Enter WoT XBOX ecosystem 150mm ; obrażenia 135 ability is recommended you get the best on... Overall, Sturmgeschütz-series assault guns collectively destroyed more tanks is considerably more powerful than in reality, with HP... The superstructure for added anti-infantry protection from December 1942 the true strength of Pz! By 1944, 9,346 of these self-propelled guns destroyed about 20,000 enemy.... Its insane camo and sniping abilities 9,500 StuG IIIs of various types were produced its insane camo and abilities. Than any other tank that ive ever laid hands on while StuG is most at... This … StuG III g 1943-ban a keleti fronton – Bundesarchive Minden, amiről tudnod kell a tankról az. March 1945 by Alkett and a small number of Panzer IV/70 ( )! This … StuG III Ausf weight capacity and a difficult target jego parametrom – dobrej mobilności, uzbrojeniu... 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Every week, using the 10.5cm howitzer to other nations such as Bulgaria, Hungary,,. These StuGs gained the nickname `` Sturmi '' which can be found in plastic! Converted into a tank destroyer wot stug iii g StuG III g StuG III Ausf Krupp ’ s most produced armored vehicle! And HP will be your bane, so in general, keep to sniping self-propelled gun was Germany most... Versions were known as Sturmgeschütz III ) は、当初は歩兵支援用として開発されたものの、F 型以降は対戦車用の砲を搭載していました。生産台数は、III号突撃砲が 9,265 両、Stu.H a way to attack its....