That’s how the 30 33 Editable Sight Word Games were born. Playing this game helps students move on from “identifying” to “creating” on Bloom’s Taxonomy, which we know helps make information stick. 10. Posted: (2 days ago) Learning sight words is very important at an early age. I’m sure it will not surprise you to hear that my students beg to play this game! This 100% digital sight word resource is every sight word teacher’s dream! This game gives them the chance to spell sight words with a limited number of letters at the bottom. - iPhone Mom and Teacher Help Your Child Learn to Read Sight Words, also known as the Dolch List are an integral part in learning how to read. The game wards off the boredom of the child and make even a hyperactive child to pause and play with its unique and interesting characteristics. Not only will kids be reading sight words, they will be will building, spelling, writing, whacking, and slinging them! 3 phonics lesson tips to ensure your students master phonics skills the first time they’re taught! First it says the word, then students use the yellow letters to spell it. This identification game uses the same concepts as matching, except students are able to see all of the words at one time. Spellerz is an application in which users can practice their spelling and typing. Sight Word App: Games Section. How do you like to practice sight words? Editable Sight Word Games. But I love that they have three stars in the upper left corner to show their progress to the next level. Though I’ve already included a Memory Sight Word game, who doesn’t love Starfall? Try not to hurt your hand. One of the most popular online games for the children to get exposed to fiddling with words, Sight word smash is an excellent sight word companion. Word games are a fun way to help you learn the correct spellings of tricky words. Launch Sighties. These 10 online games to teach sight words are perfect for giving students extra practice and lots of repetition during centers in my classroom. Read more about that here! Sight Word Smash | Sight Word Games for Kindergarten Online. Kids must match pictures to positional words in this fun vocabulary game. Sight words pop-up game. This classic bingo game from is a favorite for all of my students. These games will help children to learn to recognise the most common reading words on sight. No matter when we use it, it’s a student favorite. Digital sight word activities can be fun, but what good are they if students haven’t learned the sight word yet? Looking back now, I can’t believe I used to spend so much time putting together literacy centers! Kids master reading comprehension in this sentence game. For this very reason, I’ve created 150 sight word lessons with practice. Free printable game cards included! Users must save the world from invading “spellerz” by using their typing skills to type the words that flash on the screen. There are many, many sight word memory games online but this one is my favorite. Kindergarten is the perfect time to start building early reading skills, and our kindergarten sight words games will give your child a big head start on the road to literacy! They would be perfect for literacy centers or small group instruction. Learn to read online by saying the words out loud. Help Roly munch the right words in this exciting sight words game! I tackle sight word instruction from all sides. In the similar words category, type other words that your students often confuse with that sight word. Once they have handed out 10 popcorn buckets correctly, they get to play a quick in-between game and then are promoted. The last three games I found come from IXL, a website that offers standards-based personalized learning for students in all subject areas.The site is subscription-based, but they … Sight words (also known as high-frequency, instant, or red words) are words the reader recognizes immediately without relying on decoding skills. Learning to read can be a long and challenging process for any young child. This game is in BETA (testing) so we'd love to get your feedback. This is no ordinary bundle! Then students hover their flashlight around the cave to find the word. Cost: Free! It is not timed, and helps teach children to read each letter and find the same word on another part of the page. . Kindergarten Sight Word Flashcards by - … We have removed words that are only one letter, because the speech recognition doesn't work well with them. The child then needs to click and drag the letters into their right place to spell the word. Students can have the words and sentences read to them, if needed. Once they build up their toolbox of sight words, they can advance to reading sight words in complete sentences. Memory Matches - Use a familiar format to practice beginning sounds and letters. Play cool games, math games, reading games, girl games, puzzles, sports games, print coloring pages, read online storybooks, and hang out with friends while playing one of the many virtual worlds found on PrimaryGames. Your child will have lots of fun while developing their sight word recognition and spelling skills. I like that this game adds the element of looking at several words to find the correct one. cards: Note: this game has options at the beginning for choosing a color, a name, etc. Enter: Digital Sight Words Learn and Practice! These Google Slides lesson and practice can be used with any free Google accounts and are so easy to assign in Google Classroom! You can use one (or more) of the existing sight words lists and/or add your own custom words. A cat says the word they are trying to find. Should they practice something that they haven’t learned about yet? These 10 online games to teach sight words are FREE and super interactive. Once the student completes the game, they can move on to Level 2, where the sight words are slightly more difficult. Sight word smash. We read them in sentences, practice them with music and movement, do art projects, and more! Copyright © 2020, Inc, a division of IXL Learning • All Rights Reserved. I also appreciate that when they finish a level, they can keep playing with new words! Kids aim to freeze sunny sight words and help Officer Ice Cream beat the heat. The following list is yet another excellent resources for ESL/EFL teachers that will surely increase student engagement in the class. Fry Sight Words Flash Cards. The computer reads the sentence. Kindergarten Sight Word Games. Kids can get in the groove and play sight word beats in the correct order. Knowing their differences has helped me with my instruction. Silent consonants at the beginning of words and silent vowels at the end, letters with multiple sounds, and sounds that could be made by multiple letters--all these little quirks of the English language can make learning to read and write feel impossible to little ones. The Boom! The only letters available are letters that are in the word. Being able to recognize words automatically makes learning to read a much easier process, and these sight words games help your beginner reader do just that. Every time the children catch the word on the card. I have my students take turns at the SmartBoard in my classroom during a center or we do it whole group when we have a minute to spare. We read them in sentences, practice them with music and movement, do art projects, and more! Kids fly in the sky and turn clouds into rainbows by clicking on the sight words. To use these 30 motivating sight word games, I simply type my word list once and they automatically load into every game. . . You NEED this resource. It’s explicit instruction and practice, all in one. Sight Word Smash is one of our popular online sight word games for kindergarten that offers plenty of exposure to several word lists (such as Dolch and Fry). Listen to the word to know what you are supposed to find, then smash it. This sight word games app is filled with fun activities that will have kids {recommended for K-3 learners} begging to play longer. Yes, ALL sight word activities are editable so they can be customized to whatever sight words you are working on. If you are looking for sight words in particular, here is another site that has some great ones. The winner is the one who reaches the couch at the end of the game first. This silly game is another favorite of my students. Sight Word Games App - This Reading Mama. In this example, I was looking for the word “again.” The other options in the cave were misspelled words “agin,” “agane,” etc. Create worksheets for 10, 2-letter words at once. Once they learn all 26 letters of the alphabet and the sounds each letter makes, they then must learn that those letters don't always behave the way you would expect them to in words. In My Reading Tools, students see a kangaroo get several tools to become a better reader. I am talking about easy-to-use, free word games generator online where teachers can easily create vocabulary games for review or warm up activities. Pop balloons to help Floyd get closer to taking flight! Don’t just take my word for it, watch the lesson in action in the video below. This skill will speed up reading for young students. The most magical flashcard file you’ll ever have! The students love moving up a level to show their achievement! We’ve selected games that you can play on desktop or mobile so that you can have sight word games with you wherever you go. Help Officer Ice Cream battle the heat in this fun game that has kids matching sight words. That word is on one of the four yarn balls in front of the one your kitten is on. This helps them save time they would spend sounding out each word and potentially getting stuck on strange spellings. You will want to teach your students how to do this quickly (and set that expectation) so that they can do it independently. they put the sign the word inside the card with a marker. Literacy-English Language Arts (ELA) Help Princess Presto put on a spelling play filled with letters! It requires so much repetition and practice, yet all of our students need those things in different ways. The first tool is a flashlight. This also makes it easy for differentiation because you can use the same activity just different sight words! All games are free to play and new content is added every week. 10 Interactive Online Games to Teach Sight Words to Beginning Readers. The words are floating up so students have to identify them quickly. Are you looking for digital ways to teach sight words? The computer says a sight word. Sight word instruction can be really challenging in the classroom because you have a classroom filled with students who learn different things in different ways at different paces. This site breaks down the sight (dolch word) lists into 11 even lists and has the same games for each list. While the lessons DO have audio, this preview video does not. Well, to play the sight word bingo cards, we are required at least two persons here. The kids are going to have a blast learning sight words in fun, hands-on ways! The goal of a sight-word app is to teach and/or provide individually paced practice so … Sight Words - Online This cool program is designed to be used by a teacher and parents with a student or child. Online Flash Cards With Speech Recognition. They are playing a kitten who bounces from yarn ball to yarn ball. A monkey comes up to the counter and says a sight word. The Dolch Word list contains 315 words that are broken down into appropri… guides students through learning the word, reading the word, identifying the word, building/spelling the word, and using the word. He uses it to highlight words in a dark cave. So, to use word bingo cards, we are required to recite several words at once. Depending on your child's skill level, different games will be appropriate. These free editable sight word games require no-prep and are super easy to differentiate for any level. Students click on the correct sight word to give it to the monkey. Sight Word Games. More Games Sesame Street Letter Dance Party. Students love this fun, sight word identification game. One is us as their guide or teacher and the kids themselves. I like that the computer says the word as you flip the card, whether it’s a match or not. Their goal is to become the manager. Click HERE to buy on Teachers Pay Teachers, Sight Words Distance Learning | Digital Sight Word Lessons | Homeschool, Autofills 100 sight words in flashcards after you type in YOUR word list, 4 easy-cut lines for perfectly-sized flashcards. You can develop better long and short term memory by regularly playing word games online. Each sight word activity (there are 100 words included!) Students love this space themed sight word game. . Students love this game because they are racing three other kittens. Play now! Click on the button below to purchase on my website (where you get lifetime access)! Editable Sight Word Games and Centers. They click the sound button on one of the yellow pieces to hear the word they are looking for. Strike the broken block a second time to remove the it. Here are three examples of how playing word games online is great for your brain: Word Puzzles Improve Your Memory. Click HERE for distance learning resources and tutorials! You can purchase the 150 Digital Sight Word Lessons and Practice (for use with Google Slides™️ on my website or TpT. [Free as of August 2019] They give students the chance to practice identifying, matching and reading sight words, all while playing fun games. Spelling Word Games. There are many, many, MANY free printables for learning online. Cuz-Cuz needs your help! Then they find the blue word puzzle piece and drag it over. These fun sight word games can be played year-round with your students. Open the file named “2 Letter Sight Word Worksheets.” Using your newly sorted sight word list (see Step 1), start typing your information into the table. Let me know below! Learn Sight Words. The little amoeba monster at the top says a word, then the student identifies it and clicks it. In this sight word game, the students need to determine if it is the same sight word by sight alone as it is not read until the match is made. Kids must read each sight word sentence carefully to match it to the picture. Card Creator creates a fully customizable set of Sight Words Boom! I tackle sight word instruction from all sides. These words have to be memorized, which means they require a lot of repetition and practice. Note: Did you know there is a difference between sight words and high frequency words? Sight words and high frequency words are an important part of teaching new readers. playing cards. Download these 12 awesome sight word apps kids can’t resist. The sight word games section is super fun, with 5 games, each with a little twist! When you use games to help children practice important skills, you’re making their learning experience more enjoyable and memorable. 1. Just type in any words you want and all 20 sight word activities with be auto-filled! Here at Play Ideas, we love these sight word games for preschool, kindergarten and first graders. . When you sign up, you’ll get: Are you looking for the perfect way to teach new sight words and review old sight words while distance learning? The solution: The customizable activities in this winter-themed packet! Ready-to-use pages for 100+ skills so you have exactly what you need for every phonics lesson without wasting precious time prepping materials! Being able to recognize words automatically makes learning to read a much easier process, and these sight words games help your beginner reader do just that. An inspirational and resourceful website for primary teachers. As you assign words to your students one at a time, they will learn, identify, build, read in context, and master the new sight word. Students playing this game are working the popcorn machine at a movie theater. Play Now! If you’re looking for a new way to help kids learn sight words, then you might want to download these sight word apps on your tablet. *IMPORTANT* This app is using an experimental feature of the browser. You type your own sight words into the blanks, and the forms automatically generate color-by-code, spin-and -write, roll-and-write, and roll-and-read activities. Simply type ANY 18 words into the custom list creator, and it AUTOMATICALLY fills every activity with your chosen sight words in seconds! I help elementary teachers streamline their phonics and reading instruction by giving them all of the the information and resources they need to maximize every reading lesson and raise their students’ reading levels once and for all. I absolutely love this Listen & Spell game! Develop automaticity with 100 sight words in a pop-up game This game is more challenging than the rest because students are asked to finish the sentence with the word spelled correctly. Free online sight word games to help children develop their recognition of the high frequency words. It gives students practice at quickly identifying words by their beginning sounds. Practice reading second-grade-level sight words in this fast-paced balloon popping game. Word Games Help With Your Spelling. The computer says a word. These sight word games are a teacher’s dream because they simplify your planning and make learning FUN for your kids! We know that readers struggle with sight words because they do not follow phonics rules or because they are too advanced. In this game, your child can practice letter recognition and dance with Big Bird and Snuffy. Beginning Readers Try the Fishing game. . These editable sight word games are so much fun and super simple to prep! If you're interested in purchasing the monthly editable sight word games, you can grab those in my teachers pay teachers store . Sight Word Games - Check out our full collection of sight word games for early learners!. To create your Snakes & Ladders board: Under Dolch Sight Words and Fry Sight Words, check the boxes for any sight words lists you want included. Just like in Sight Word Smash, words appear more than one time, too. Kids learn to recognize important sight words with this memory match game. Better yet, the kids will beg to play them! Great for teacher evaluations. Words float by in power cells and they have to click the right one. With sight words, we're able to streamline this process by guiding students to memorize common words, so that they recognize them "on sight." Kids master sight words with this sentence match game. Intermediate Readers The Memory Match and Online Bingo games are a little more challenging. Many apps are developed for both platforms. Learn common single syllable sight words with this game! Sight Word Smash is one of our popular online sight word games for kindergarten that offers plenty of exposure to several word lists (such as Dolch and Fry). Guide him through the mud by identifying sight words in this colorful, interactive game with audio support for early readers. They have to be quick at matching the sight word their hear to the correct ball of year if they want to win! Seeing and hearing a word multiple times is perfect for auditory and visual learners. As the child reads each word that appears, simply check the green or red box for correct or incorrect. For example, selecting the Dolch Sight Words 2nd Grade list uses those 46 words for the board. We work hard to bring you best gaming content on the web! This game is perfect for students who are confidently reading many sight words and are ready for a challenge! I can even create my own lists. Room 108 Dolch Word Games. In this fast-paced reading challenge, kids pop sight words balloons. Check the websites for up-to-date information. Did I miss any of your favorites? With exciting puzzles, fast-paced challenges, and colorfully animated characters, these educator-created sight words games make it a breeze for your student to build their vocabulary, practice identifying written words quickly, and grow foundational reading skills. The last category of sight word activities we want to give you some options for is sight word apps and sight word games online. Digital Sight Word Games and Sight Word Apps. These 10 online games to teach sight words are FREE and super interactive. . This game words great on a computer or on an interactive white board. To create your Boom! For PreK-K Pop goes the sight word! I thought they were the same for the longest time. Posted: (10 days ago) Sight Word Games App. Reading skills can be hard work which is why we adore the idea that mastery of sight words can be turned into a game. Love it!" I like this game because the word is on more than one block so students get the repetition of seeing and identifying the word multiple times! You will be amazed at how much faster your child will be reading with enough sight words memorized, as their confidence and excitement for reading grows. Want a fun way to work on sight words? Super Why! We also know that students learn to read and write words at the same time. And lots that are specific to sight words! Then they use the pointer to find it and smash it. Memory Match – played just like your traditional game…except watch out for the “Mix it Up!” card, which mixes up the placement of all the cards, adding an extra challenge! A sight word game is the perfect opportunity for kids to practice sight words and build their reading skills. You can use one (or more) sight words lists (Dolch, Fry, Top 150) and/or use your own custom words. Students will gain confidence in writing their sight words as well as reading them! Princess Presto's Spectacular Spelling Play. My secret to raising reading levels without spending all day teaching reading groups. If you're looking for a monthly edition that you can swap out every single month, you can read about those here. Kids help demolish a building by identifying sight words in this engaging game. The struggle is often how to differentiate this for each of your students as they work at different levels. Kids make rainbows out of clouds by identifying sight words as they float by. I love using these online games to teach sight words in my classroom. Copyright © 2021 •  All rights reserved  •  Disclosure Policy  •  Site Design by Emily White Designs. 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